General Information: Chemical Formula:ZnCO3
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 125.40 gm)
Zinc 52.15 %
ZnCarbon 9.58 %
C Oxygen 38.28 %
O Empirical Formula: Zn(CO3)
Name Origin:Named after the English mineralogist, J. Smithson (1765-1829).
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[1011] Perfect, [1011] Perfect, 1011 Perfect
Color:grayish white, dark gray, green, blue, or yellow.
Density:4.4 - 4.5, Average = 4.45
Diaphaniety:Subtransparent to translucent
Habits:Botryoidal - "Grape-like" rounded forms (e.g.. malachite)., Reniform - "Kidney like" in shape (e.g.. hematite)., Earthy - Dull, clay-like texture with no visible crystalline affinitie s, (e.g. howlite).
Hardness:4.5 - Between Fluorite and Apatite
Luster:Vitreous (Glassy)
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