General Information: Chemical Formula:[ ]Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 812.37 gm)
Calcium 9.87 %
CaMagnesium 14.96 %
MgSilicon 27.66 %
SiHydrogen 0.25 %
H Oxygen 47.27 %
O Empirical Formula: Ca2Mg5(Si8O22)(OH)2
Environment:Contact metamorphism of Ca rich rocks.
IMA Status:Approved IMA 1978
Locality:Tremola Valley, Alps.
Name Origin:Named after its locality.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[110] Perfect, [010] Distinct
Color:brown, colorless, gray, white, or light green.
Density:2.9 - 3.2, Average = 3.05
Diaphaniety:Transparent to translucent
Habits:Columnar - Forms columns, Massive - Fibrous - Distinctly fibrous fine-grained forms., Massive - Granular - Common texture observed in granite and other igneous rock.
Hardness:5-6 - Between Apatite and Orthoclase
Luminescence:Fluorescent, Short UV=yellow, Long UV=pink.
Luster:Vitreous - Pearly
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