General Information: Chemical Formula:KCl
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 74.55 gm)
Potassium 52.45 %
K Chlorine 47.55 %
Cl Empirical Formula: KCl
Name Origin:Named after the Dutch chemist, Sylvia de la Boe (1614-1672).
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[100] Perfect, [010] Perfect, [001] Perfect
Color:white, yellowish white, reddish white, bluish white, or brownish white.
Habits:Massive - Granular - Common texture observed in granite and other igneous rock., Euhedral Crystals - Occurs as well-formed crystals showing good external form., Fibrous - Crystals mad e up of fibers.
Hardness:2.5 - Finger Nail
Luster:Vitreous - Greasy
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