General Information: Chemical Formula:Sb2S3
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 339.70 gm)
Antimony 71.68 %
SbSulfur 28.32 %
S Empirical Formula: Sb2S3
Environment:Dimorphous with metastibnite, compare bismuthinite, guanajuatite, animonselite.
IMA Status:Approved IMA 1960
Name Origin:From the Greek, stimmi or stibi, "antimony," thence to the Latin, stibium. Also from the Greek anthemon, "flower" in allusion to the form of crystal druses.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[010] Perfect
Color:lead gray, bluish lead gray, steel gray, or black.
Habits:Prismatic - Crystals Shaped like Slender Prisms (e.g. tourmaline)., Striated - Parallel lines on crystal surface or cleavage face., Granular - Generally occurs as anhedral to subhedra l crystals in matrix.
Hardness:2 - Gypsum
Streak:blackish gray
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