General Information: Chemical Formula:S8
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 256.53 gm)
Sulfur 100.0 %
S Empirical Formula: S8
Environment:Volcanic exhalations and bacterial reduction of sulfates in sediments.
Locality:Notable localities are in Sicily, Italy and salt domes of the United States Gulf Coast.
Name Origin:Sanskrit, sulvere = "sulfur;" Latin sulphurium.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[???] Imperfect, [???] Imperfect
Color:yellow, yellowish brown, yellowish gray, reddish, or greenish.
Density:2.05 - 2.09, Average = 2.06
Diaphaniety:Transparent to translucent
Habits:Massive - Uniformly indistinguishable crystals forming large masses., Reniform - "Kidney like" in shape (e.g.. hematite)., Stalactitic - Shaped like pendant columns as stalactites or stalagmites (e.g. calcite).
Hardness:1.5-2.5 - Hardness very near Gypsum
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