General Information: Chemical Formula:KNO3
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 101.10 gm)
Potassium 38.67 %
K Nitrogen 13.85 %
N Oxygen 47.47 %
O Empirical Formula: K(NO3)
Environment:Efflorescence on cavern walls.
Locality:Limestone caves in Kentucky and Tennessee.
Name Origin:Named derived from Herbraic neter, used in ancient times for alkaline salts extracted by water from vegetable ashes.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[001] Very Good, [010] Good
Color:colorless, white, or gray.
Density:2.1 - 2.11, Average = 2.1
Habits:Encrustations - Forms crust-like aggregates on matrix., Massive - Granular - Common texture observed in granite and other igneous rock.,
Hardness:2 - Gypsum
Luster:Vitreous (Glassy)
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