retardation – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי
מילים נרדפות: alteration,
time lag,
limitedness or slowness of intellectual and/or emotional development; deceleration, act of slowing down; hindrance, impediment, something that causes a delay
Retardation is the act or result of ; the extent to which anything is retarded or delayed; that which retards or delays.
1. a decrease in speed; "the deceleration of the arms race"
(synonym) deceleration, slowing
(hypernym) speed, swiftness, fastness
(derivation) retard
2. the extent to which something is delayed or held back
(hypernym) delay, hold, time lag, postponement, wait
(derivation) retard
3. any agent that retards or delays or hinders; "flame-retardant"
(synonym) retardant, retardent
(hypernym) agent
(derivation) retard
4. lack of normal development of intellectual capacities
(synonym) mental retardation, backwardness, slowness, subnormality
(hypernym) stupidity
(hyponym) abnormality, mental defectiveness
(derivation) check, retard, delay
5. the act of slowing down or falling behind
(synonym) slowdown, lag
(hypernym) delay, holdup
(derivation) retard
The keeping back of an approaching consonant chord by prolonging one or more tones of a previous chord into the intermediate chord which follows; -- differing from suspension by resolving upwards instead of downwards.
The extent to which anything is retarded; the amount of retarding or delay.
The act of retarding; hindrance; the act of delaying; as, the retardation of the motion of a ship; -- opposed to acceleration.
That which retards; an obstacle; an obstruction.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter.
Synonyms and related words:
afterthought, amentia, arrest, arrestation, arrested development, arrestment, backwardness, bind, blithering idiocy, block, blockage, blocking, bureaucratic delay, check, clogging, closing up, closure, constraint, constriction, control, cooling, cooling down, cooling off, cramp, cretinism, curb, curtailment, deceleration, delay, delayage, delayed reaction, detainment, drag, dragging, ease-off, ease-up, fixation, flagging, foot-dragging, half-wittedness, halt, hampering, hang-up, hindering, hindrance, holdback, holdup, idiocy, idiotism, imbecility, impediment, infantilism, inhibition, injunction, insanity, interdict, interference, interim, interruption, jam, lag, lagging, legal restraint, let, letdown, letup, logjam, mental defectiveness, mental deficiency, mental handicap, mental retardation, minus acceleration, mongolianism, mongolism, mongoloid idiocy, monopoly, moratorium, moronism, moronity, negativism, nuisance value, obstruction, obstructionism, occlusion, opposition, paperasserie, pause, profound idiocy, prohibition, protection, protectionism, protective tariff, rationing, red tape, red-tapeism, red-tapery, rein, repression, reprieve, resistance, respite, restraint, restraint of trade, restriction, retardance, retardment, retrenchment, self-control, setback, simple-wittedness, simplemindedness, simpleness, simplicity, slack-up, slackening, slow-up, slowdown, slowing, slowing down, slowness, slowup, squeeze, stay, stay of execution, stop, stoppage, stranglehold, stricture, subnormality, suppression, suspension, tariff wall, thought control, tie-up, time lag, wait
Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the
Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.