photoengraving – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי
reproduce a photograph onto a printing plate
Photoengraving is a process that uses a light-sensitive
photoresist applied to the surface to be engraved to create a mask that shields some areas during a subsequent operation which etches, dissolves, or otherwise removes some or all of the material from the unshielded areas. Normally applied to metal, it can also be used on glass, plastic and other materials.
1. an engraving used to reproduce an illustration
(synonym) halftone, halftone engraving
(hypernym) engraving
Synonyms and related words:
albertype, aquatint, book printing, cerography, chalcography, chromotypography, chromotypy, chromoxylography, collotype, color printing, crayon engraving, cribbling, drypoint, electronography, electrostatic printing, etching, graphic arts, gravure, halftone engraving, history of printing, intaglio, job printing, letterpress, letterpress photoengraving, line engraving, lithography, lithogravure, lithophotogravure, metal cut, mezzotint, mimeograph, offset, offset lithography, onset, palaeotypography, photo-offset, photochemical process, photogelatin process, photographic reproduction, photography, photolithography, phototypography, phototypy, photozincography, planographic printing, planography, plate engraving, printing, printmaking, publication, publishing, pyrogravure, relief method, relief printing, rotary photogravure, rotogravure, sheetwork, steel engraving, stencil, three-color printing, two-color printing, typography, typolithography, wood engraving, wood-block printing, woodburning, woodcut, xerography, xeroprinting, xylotypography, zincography
Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the
Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.