pentomino is a plane geometric figure formed by joining five equal squares edge to edge. It is a
polyomino with five cells. There are twelve pentominoes, not counting
rotations and
reflections as distinct. They are used chiefly in
recreational mathematics for puzzles and problems. Pentominoes were formally defined by American professor
Solomon W. Golomb starting in 1953 and later in his 1965 book
Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns, Problems, and Packings. Golomb coined the term "pentomino" from the
Ancient Greek /
pénte, "five", and the -omino of
domino, fancifully interpreting the "d-" of "domino" as if it were a form of the Greek prefix "di-" (two). Golomb named the 12
free pentominoes after letters of the
Latin alphabet that they resemble.