General Information: Chemical Formula:Al2Si2O5(OH)4
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 258.16 gm)
Aluminum 20.90 %
AlSilicon 21.76 %
SiHydrogen 1.56 %
H Oxygen 55.78 %
O Empirical Formula: Al2Si2O5(OH)4
Locality:Kao-Ling, China.
Name Origin:Named after the locality.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[001] Perfect
Color:white, brownish white, grayish white, yellowish white, or grayish green.
Diaphaniety:Transparent to translucent
Habits:Earthy - Dull, clay-like texture with no visible crystalline affinities, (e.g. howlite)., ,
Hardness:1.5-2 - Talc-Gypsum
Luster:Earthy (Dull)
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