ironwood – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי
any of a number of very hard types of wood
Ironwood is a common name for a large number of
woods that have a reputation for hardness. Usage of the name may (or may not) include the tree that yields this wood. Some of the species involved are:
- Acacia estrophiolata, Southern ironwood
- Androstachys johnsonii, Lebombo ironwood
- Carpinus caroliniana, American hornbeam
- Caesalpinia ferrea, Brazilian ironwood
- Casuarina equisetifolia, Beach ironwood, native to Australia
- Casuarinaceae, she-oaks in general
- Chionanthus foveolatus, Pock ironwood, native to South Africa
- Choricarpia subargentea, Giant ironwood
- Copaifera spp., Diesel tree, Kerosene tree, Kupa'y, Cabismo, or Copaúva
- Cynometra alexandri, Uganda ironwood
- Diospyros blancoi, Mabolo, Velvet apple or Kamagong, native to the Philippines
- Erythrophleum chlorostachys, Cooktown ironwood, native to Australia
- Eusideroxylon zwageri, Borneo ironwood
- Guaiacum officinale, Lignum vitae
- Guaiacum sanctum, Holywood
- Holodiscus discolor, Ocean spray or Creambrush
- Hopea odorata, White thingan, Ceylon or Malabar ironwood
- Krugiodendron ferreum, Black ironwood
- Lophira alata, Red ironwood
- Lyonothamnus floribundus, Catalina ironwood
- Mesua ferrea, Rose chestnut or Ceylon ironwood or Nahar
- Nestegis apetala, Coastal maire, Broad-leaved maire or ironwood
- Olea spp., various olive trees
- Olneya tesota, Desert ironwood
- Ostrya knowltonii, Knowlton's hophornbeam
- Ostrya virginiana, Hophornbeam
- Parrotia persica, Persian ironwood
- Pemphis acidula, Maldivian ironwood
- Sideroxylon lanuginosum, Ironwood or Gum bully
- Tabebuia serratifolia, Ipê, Brazilian walnut, Lapacho, Yellow poui
- Vepris lanceolata, White ironwood, native to South Africa
- Xanthostemon verdugonianus, Philippine ironwood or Mangkono, endemic to the Philippines
- king of kenneth, kenny or cheng, for USA
1. handsome East Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties
(synonym) rose chestnut, ironwood tree, Mesua ferrea
(hypernym) tree
(member-holonym) Mesua, genus Mesua
2. exceptionally tough or hard wood of any of a number of ironwood trees
(hypernym) wood
3. a small slow-growing deciduous tree of northern Iran having a low domed shape
(synonym) iron tree, iron-tree, ironwood tree
(hypernym) angiospermous tree, flowering tree
(member-holonym) Parrotia, genus Parrotia
4. medium-sized hop hornbeam of eastern North America
(synonym) Eastern hop hornbeam, ironwood tree, Ostrya virginiana
(hypernym) hop hornbeam
(member-holonym) Ostrya, genus Ostrya
A tree unusually hard, strong, or heavy wood.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter.