greenhorn – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי
inexperienced new arrival; beginner, novice; gullible person, one who can be easily tricked or deceived
Greenhorn is slang for an inexperienced person. It may also refer to:
1. an awkward and inexperienced youth
(synonym) cub, rookie
(hypernym) novice, beginner, tyro, tiro, initiate
A raw, inexperienced person; one easily imposed upon.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter.
Synonyms and related words:
abecedarian, alphabetarian, apprentice, arriviste, articled clerk, babe, baby, beginner, boob, boot, catechumen, chump, cinch, credulous person, cull, dabbler, deb, debutant, dilettante, dull tool, dunce, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, emigrant, entrant, fall guy, fish, fledgling, fool, freshman, gate-crasher, gobe-mouches, greener, greeny, gudgeon, gull, ignoramus, illiterate, illiterati, immigrant, incapable, incompetent, inductee, infant, initiate, innocent, intruder, know-nothing, leadpipe cinch, learner, lowbrow, mediocrity, middlebrow, monkey, neophyte, nestling, new arrival, new boy, newcomer, no conjuror, no scholar, novice, novitiate, novus homo, parvenu, patsy, pigeon, plaything, postulant, prize sap, probationer, probationist, puddinghead, pushover, raw recruit, recruit, rookie, sap, saphead, schlemiel, settler, sitting duck, squatter, stooge, stowaway, sucker, tenderfoot, toy, trainee, trusting soul, tyro, unintelligentsia, upstart, victim
Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the
Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.