episcopacy – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי
government of the church by bishops; position or office of bishop
Episcopal polity
Government of the church by bishops; church government by three distinct orders of ministers -- bishops, priests, and deacons -- of whom the bishops have an authority superior and of a different kind.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter.
سردار پادري کي حکومت
Synonyms and related words:
abbacy, aedileship, archbishopric, archdeaconry, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, bishopdom, bishopric, canonicate, canonry, cardinalship, chairmanship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chaplaincy, chaplainship, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, consulate, consulship, curacy, deaconry, deaconship, deanery, deanship, dictatorship, dictature, directorship, emirate, episcopate, governorship, headship, hegemony, hierarchy, leadership, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, masterdom, mastership, mastery, mayoralty, mayorship, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, nobility, papacy, pashadom, pashalic, pastorate, pastorship, patriarchate, patriarchy, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, prebend, prebendaryship, prefectship, prefecture, prelacy, prelateship, prelature, premiership, presbyterate, presbytery, presidency, presidentship, primacy, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, proconsulate, proconsulship, protectorate, protectorship, provostry, provostship, rectorate, rectorship, regency, regentship, ruling class, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shrievalty, supervisorship, suzerainship, suzerainty, tribunate, vicariate, vicarship, vizierate, viziership
Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the
Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.