discontinuity – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי
lack of continuity, irregularity
Discontinuity may refer to:
1. lack of connection of continuity
(antonym) continuity
(hypernym) separation
Want of continuity or cohesion; disunion of parts.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter.
Synonyms and related words:
Doppler effect, about-face, abstraction, accommodation, adaptation, adjustment, alienation, alteration, amelioration, apostasy, arrearage, arrhythmia, betterment, breach, break, brokenness, caesura, capriciousness, change, change of heart, changeableness, choppiness, clearance, constructive change, continuity, conversion, defalcation, defect, defection, deficiency, deficit, degeneration, degenerative change, deracination, desultoriness, detachment, deterioration, deviation, difference, disarrangement, disarticulation, disassociation, disconnectedness, disconnection, disengagement, disjointing, disjunction, dislocation, displacement, distance between, disunion, divergence, diversification, diversion, diversity, division, divorce, divorcement, double space, eccentricity, em space, en space, erraticness, fibrillation, fitfulness, fits and starts, fitting, flip-flop, fluctuation, forcible shift, freeboard, gap, gradual change, hair space, half space, heterotopia, hiatus, hole, improvement, incoherence, inconstancy, interim, intermediate space, intermittence, interruption, interspace, interstice, interval, irregularity, isolation, jerkiness, jump, lack, lacuna, leap, leeway, luxation, margin, melioration, missing link, mitigation, modification, modulation, need, nonuniformity, omission, opening, outage, overthrow, parting, partition, patchiness, qualification, radical change, re-creation, realignment, red shift, redesign, reform, reformation, remaking, removal, renewal, reshaping, restructuring, reversal, revival, revivification, revolution, ripping out, room, roughness, segmentation, separation, separatism, shift, shortage, single space, space, space between, spasticity, sporadicity, sporadicness, spottiness, stagger, subdivision, subtraction, sudden change, switch, time interval, total change, transition, turn, turnabout, ullage, uncertainty, unevenness, unhinging, unjointing, unmethodicalness, unpredictability, unsteadiness, unsystematicness, upheaval, uprooting, variability, variation, variety, violent change, want, wantage, whimsicality, withdrawal, wobble, worsening, zoning
Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the
Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.