General Information: Chemical Formula:(Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4·n(H2O)
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 460.08 gm)
Aluminum 1.47 %
AlSilicon 24.42 %
SiCopper 24.17 %
CuHydrogen 1.26 %
H Oxygen 48.69 %
O Empirical Formula: Cu1.75Al0.25H1.75(Si2O5)2(OH)4
Environment:Mineral of secondary origin commonly associated with other secondary copper minerals.
IMA Status:Accepted IMA 1968
Locality:Nizhne-Tagilsk, Ural Mountains, Russial
Name Origin:Named from the Greek chrysos - "gold" and kolla - "glue" in allusion to the name of the material used to solder gold.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:None
Color:green, bluish green, blue, blackish blue, or brown.
Density:2 - 2.4, Average = 2.2
Diaphaniety:Translucent to opaque
Habits:Botryoidal - "Grape-like" rounded forms (e.g.. malachite)., Earthy - Dull, clay-like texture with no visible crystalline affinities, (e.g. howlite)., Stalactitic - Shaped like pendant columns as stalactites or stalagmites (
Hardness:2.5-3.5 - Finger Nail-Copper Penny
Luster:Vitreous - Dull
Streak:light green
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