General Information: Chemical Formula:NaAlSi2O6·(H2O)
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 220.15 gm)
Sodium 10.44 %
NaAluminum 12.26 %
AlSilicon 25.51 %
SiHydrogen 0.92 %
H Oxygen 50.87 %
O Empirical Formula: NaAl(Si2O6)·(H2O)
Environment:Occurs frequently in basalts and other basic igneous rocks associated with other zeolites.
IMA Status:Approved IMA 1959
Locality:Aussig in Bohemial of Czechoslovakia.
Name Origin:From the Greek word meaning weak, referring to a weak electrical charge developed on rubbing.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:[001] Indistinct, [010] Indistinct, [100] Indistinct
Color:white, grayish white, greenish white, yellowish white, or reddish white.
Diaphaniety:Transparent to Subtransparent to translucent
Habits:Euhedral Crystals - Occurs as well-formed crystals showing good external form., Granular - Generally occurs as anhedral to subhedral crystals in matrix., Massive - Uniformly indisting uishable crystals forming large masses.
Hardness:5 - Apatite
Luster:Vitreous (Glassy)
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