מילון אונליין

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Pasen – מילון אנגלי-עברי

Czech - Hebrewהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
לרעות { pasture }
לרעות; לשפשף; לשרוט { graze }
לסרסר { pimp }

Spanish - Hebrewהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
למסור, להעביר; להסגיר { hand over }
להעביר, למסור { transfer }
להעביר, למסור; לתת; להביע; ללדת; לגאול;... { deliver }
לעבור דירה; לעבור למקום אחר; לשנות מיקום { relocate }
להוביל, לנהל; לנצח על { conduct }
לעבור; להעביר; לאשר { pass }
לעבור, לחצות; להתנגד { traverse }
לחצות; להצליב; להצטלב; להכשיל; להרגיז { cross }
לתת; למסור, להעביר; להתכופף, להיכנע,... { give }
להעניק { bestow }
לשלוח; לשגר; לשלח; לדחוף, לסלק; לגרום,... { send }
לשלוח, להריץ; לחסל; להרוג { dispatch }
להכניס, להחדיר; לשבץ; להוסיף; (במחשבים)... { insert }
להיכנס; להכניס { put in }
למתוח; להתאמץ; לעוות; לסנן { strain }
לבלוע; להאמין { swallow }
להשקיף; היה נשקף על; להשגיח; להעלים עין { overlook }
להתעלם; להתנכר; לבטל { ignore }
להבריח, לעסוק בהברחות { smuggle }

Dutch - Hebrewהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
pasen (de)
פסחא (חג נוצרי) { Easter }
חג הפסח { Passover }

Pasen – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי

Babylon Spanish-Englishהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
v. hand over, transfer, deliver; move from one place to another, relocate; conduct; pass; traverse, cross; give, bestow; send, dispatch; insert, put in; slip by; strain, filter through a sieve; swallow; overlook, ignore; smuggle

Babylon Dutch-Englishהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
pasen (de)
n. Easter, Passover

A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4הורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
(v.) = hand (over) ; pass ; pass by ; pass on ; transfer ; transmit ; turn over + the page ; hand on ; spend ; transpire ; pass out ; turn over ; slide over ; pass along ; get through ; can't/couldn't be bothered ; go + past ; pass down ; roll on ; pass out ; blow over ; make + the cut ; wear off ; hand down ; move ; give it + a miss ; transition ; swipe ; happen.
Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
Ex: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
Ex: The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
Ex: If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.
Ex: Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.
Ex: The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
Ex: Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
Ex: Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
Ex: Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
Ex: The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.
Ex: At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
Ex: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
Ex: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
Ex: If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
Ex: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
Ex: Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
Ex: Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
Ex: The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
Ex: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
Ex: Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
Ex: During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
Ex: Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.
Ex: We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
Ex: A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.
Ex: This article describes a special dolly designed to move stack ranges easily and quickly using a minimum of labour.
Ex: We did not find it of much interest and could have happily given it a miss.
Ex: If we start the day in a grouchy mood, chances are those sentiments will transition into the workplace as well.
Ex: Using razor strops is as important as knowing how to swipe the blade of your straight razor over your face.
Ex: Everything that happens in the couple's tiny, shrunken, enclosed world is addictive, unglamorous, and boringly awful = Todo lo que ocurre en el pequeño, reducido y cerrado mundo de esta pareja es adictivo, poco atractivo y tediosamente espantoso.
* a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by) ; as time went by.
* a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time goes by ; as time passes (by).
* a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
* a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
* a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
* ayudar a pasar = help + Nombre + through ; help + Nombre + through.
* ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
* cada día que pasa = each passing day.
* con cada momento que + pasar = with every passing moment.
* conforme + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
* conforme + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
* con ganas de pasarlo bien = in a festive mood.
* conseguir pasar = make it through.
* conseguir pasar a = make it through to.
* dejar pasar = pass up ; forego [forgo] ; let through ; let + pass.
* dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
* dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
* dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + an opportunity ; miss + an opportunity ; pass up + an opportunity ; miss + a chance ; pass up + a chance ; turn down + an opportunity.
* desde ..., pasando por ..., hasta ... = from ..., through ..., to ....
* día que pasa = passing day.
* difundir lo que pasó = spread + a story.
* dolor + pasar = pain + wear off.
* el tiempo + pasar = time + go by.
* el tiempo vuela cuando te lo pasas bien = time flies when you're having fun.
* esa época ya pasó hace tiempo = that time is long past.
* haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.
* hacer a Alguien pasar por el rodillo = put + Nombre + through the wringer ; run + Nombre + through the wringer.
* hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
* hacerle a Alguien pasar apuros = give + Nombre + a hard time ; give + Nombre + a hard ride.
* hacerle a Alguien pasarlo mal = give + Nombre + a hard time ; give + Nombre + a hard ride.
* hacerle a Alguien pasar un mal rato = give + Nombre + a hard time ; give + Nombre + a hard ride.
* hacer que Alguien las pase canutas = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops ; give + Nombre + a (real) run for + Posesivo + money ; push + Nombre + to the edge ; put + Nombre + through the wringer ; run + Nombre + through the wringer ; drive + Nombre + to the edge.
* hacer que Alguien las pase negras = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops ; push + Nombre + to the edge ; give + Nombre + a (real) run for + Posesivo + money ; put + Nombre + through the wringer ; run + Nombre + through the wringer ; drive + Nombre + to the edge.
* hacerse pasar por = masquerade as ; impersonate.
* hasta pasar a una nueva situación = tide-over.
* la novedad + pasarse = novelty + wear off.
* las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
* las cosas no pasan así porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
* las cosas pasan para bien = everything happens for the best.
* las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
* lo pasado pasado está = let bygones be bygones.
* lo peor ya ha pasado = the worst is over now.
* lo que pasa con = the thing with.
* lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera ; what's meant to be, will be ; what(ever) will be, will be.
* lugar donde pasar el rato = hang out.
* mirar a la gente que pasa = street watch.
* no dejar la oportunidad = leap at + the opportunity.
* no dejar pasar = keep out.
* no dejar pasar la ocasión = jump at + the chance ; leap at + the chance ; jump at + the opportunity ; jump on + an opportunity ; leap at + the opportunity.
* no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave(s) ; jump at + the chance ; leap at + the chance ; jump at + the opportunity ; jump on + an opportunity.
* no importa lo que pase = no matter what happens ; whatever happens.
* no pasa nada = that's fine.
* no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
* no pasa un día sin que = not a day goes by that.
* pasado el mejor momento de Alguien = past + Posesivo + prime.
* pasando a = moving on to.
* pasar a = go on to ; move on to ; proceed to ; shunt into ; switch over ; switch to ; step onto ; spill over into.
* pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
* pasar a Alguien lo que a = suffer + the fate of.
* pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
* pasar a la clandestinidad = go into + hiding ; go + underground.
* pasar a la era de = move into + the age of.
* pasar a la historia = be history in the making ; go down in + history ; make + the history books.
* pasar a la historia como = go down as ; go down in + history as ; go down in + the history books as ; go down in + the annals of history as.
* pasar a la página + Número = turn to + page + Número.
* pasar a la posteridad = go down to + posterity.
* pasar a la posteridad como = go down to + posterity as.
* pasar Algo a Alguien = turn + Algo + over to + Alguien.
* pasar algo inesperado = things + take a turn for the unexpected.
* pasar algún tiempo en = have + a turn at.
* pasar al olvido = blow over.
* pasar a los anales de la historia = go down in + history.
* pasar a los anales de la historia como = go down in + history as ; go down in + the history books as ; go down in + the annals of history as.
* pasar al primer plano = take + centre stage.
* pasar al siguiente año fiscal = roll over.
* pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear ; take it up + a gear ; notch it up + a gear ; take it up + a notch ; crank it up + a notch ; crank it up + a gear ; move it up + a notch.
* pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust ; give up + the ghost.
* pasar año(s) antes de que = be year(s) before.
* pasar a ocupar el puesto de Alguien = step into + Posesivo + shoes ; stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
* pasar aprietos = feel + the pinch.
* pasar apuros = struggle ; pass through + adversity ; have + a thin time ; be under strain ; bear + hardship ; be hard pressed ; feel + the pinch ; have + a hard time ; the wolves + be + at the door ; have + a tough time ; have + a rough time.
* pasar apuros económicos = lead + a precarious existence.
* pasar arrastrando = pull + Nombre + through.
* pasar a ser = become ; develop into.
* pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus ; take + centre stage.
* pasar a ser inconcebible = render + inconceivable.
* pasar a toda pastilla = zip + past.
* pasar a toda velocidad = whiz(z) ; streak ; zip + past ; whiz(z) by ; fly by ; fly + past.
* pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
* pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
* pasar casi chocando con = have + a close brush with.
* pasar casi rozando = skim.
* pasar como una bala = whiz(z) ; streak ; zip + past ; whiz(z) by ; fly by ; fly + past.
* pasar como un cohete = whiz(z) ; streak ; zip + past ; whiz(z) by ; fly by ; fly + past.
* pasar como un rayo = whiz(z) ; streak ; zip + past ; whiz(z) by ; fly by ; fly + past.
* pasar con = be the matter with.
* pasar corriendo = rush through.
* pasar corriendo al lado de = run + past.
* pasar corriendo delante de = run + past.
* pasar de = get beyond.
* pasar de ... a ... = proceed from... to... ; move from... to....
* pasar de ... a = switch from ... to ... ; go from ... to ... ; swing between ... and ... ; grow from ... into/to.
* pasar de contrabando = smuggle.
* pasar de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.
* pasar de largo = bypass [by-pass].
* pasar de largo rápidamente = race + past.
* pasar de moda = drop out of + vogue ; go out of + fashion ; go out of + favour ; go out of + date ; become + obsolete ; go out of + vogue ; fall out of + vogue ; go out of + style ; pass away ; obsolesce ; drop out of + circulation ; fall out of + fashion ; fall into + disuse ; fall out of + favour ; become + redundant.
* pasar desapercibido = be unnoticeable ; go + unnoticed ; lie + unnoticed ; remain + unnoticed ; slip by + unnoticed ; become + unnoticeable ; go + unrecognised ; be an invisible fly on the wall ; go + unnoted ; lie + forgotten ; sneak under + Posesivo + radar ; go under + Posesivo + radar ; go + undetected.
* pasar despacio = pass + slowly.
* pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
* pasar de un millón = break + the six figures.
* pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.
* pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.
* pasar dificultades = struggle ; be under strain ; bear + hardship ; have + a difficult time ; experience + difficult times ; pass through + difficult times ; face + difficult times.
* pasar el bastón de mando = pass over + the gavel ; hand over + the gavel.
* pasar el invierno = winter ; overwinter.
* pasar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.
* pasar el muerto = pass + the bucket.
* pasar el platillo = pass + the bucket (around).
* pasar el rato = hang out ; pass + the time of day ; say + hi ; pass + Posesivo + idle time ; kill + time.
* pasar el rato con = kick it with.
* pasar el rato con los amigos = hang out with + Posesivo + friends.
* pasar el relevo a = hand + the reins over to.
* pasar el testigo = pass (on) + the torch ; pass (on) + the baton ; hand over + the torch ; pass over + the gavel ; hand over + the gavel.
* pasar el tiempo = pass + the time ; hang around ; spend + Posesivo + days ; hang about ; hang out ; pass + Posesivo + idle time.
* pasar el tiempo con = hang around with.
* pasar el tiempo juntos = hang around together.
* pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure ; spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
* pasar + Expresión Temporal = elapse + Expresión Temporal ; go by + Expresión Temporal.
* pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger ; go + hungry ; starve.
* pasar hojas = page (through) ; turn + pages ; flip + pages.
* pasar hojas hacia atrás = page + backward.
* pasar hojas hacia delante = page + forward.
* pasar inadvertidamente = slip ; creep + past ; sneak + past.
* pasar inadvertido = be unnoticeable ; escape + notice ; go + unnoticed ; lie + unnoticed ; remain + unnoticed ; slip by + unnoticed ; become + unnoticeable ; go + unrecognised ; go + unnoted ; sneak under + Posesivo + radar ; go under + Posesivo + radar ; go + undetected.
* pasar la antorcha = hand over + the torch ; pass over + the gavel ; hand over + the gavel.
* pasar la aspiradora = hoover ; vacuum ; do + the hoovering ; do + the vacuuming.
* pasar la borrachera = sober up.
* pasar la fregona al suelo = mop (up) + the floor ; mop.
* pasar la luna de miel = honeymoon.
* pasar la noche = spend + the night ; stay overnight ; put + Nombre + up for the night ; crash at ; overnight stay.
* pasar la noche en blanco = not sleep a wink (all night long).
* pasar la noche fuera = stay out + all night.
* pasar la página = turn over + the page.
* pasar la pantalla = scroll.
* pasar la pelota = pass + the buck.
* pasar la prueba = pass + muster.
* pasar la prueba de fuego = pass + the acid test.
* pasar la prueba del algodón = pass + the white-glove test.
* pasarlas canutas = jump through + hoops ; have + a devil of a time ; be to hell and back ; have + a hard time ; go through + (sheer) hell ; be to hell and back ; go through + a (real) ordeal ; go through + a lot ; be through a lot ; have + a shitty time ; have + a rotten time ; have + a torrid time.
* pasar las de Caín = go through + (sheer) hell ; have + a devil of a time ; be to hell and back ; go through + a (real) ordeal ; go through + a lot ; be through a lot ; have + a shitty time ; have + a rotten time ; have + a torrid time.
* pasarlas moradas = go through + (sheer) hell ; have + a devil of a time ; be to hell and back ; go through + a (real) ordeal ; go through + a lot ; be through a lot ; have + a shitty time ; have + a rotten time.
* pasarlas negras = jump through + hoops ; have + a devil of a time ; go through + (sheer) hell ; be to hell and back ; go through + a (real) ordeal ; go through + a lot ; be through a lot ; have + a shitty time ; have + a rotten time.
* pasarlas putas = jump through + hoops ; be to hell and back ; have + a devil of a time ; go through + (sheer) hell ; go through + a (real) ordeal ; go through + a lot ; be through a lot ; have + a shitty time ; have + a rotten time.
* pasar las riendas del poder a = hand + the reins over to.
* pasar las vacaciones = vacation ; spend + the holidays.
* pasar lentamente = pass + slowly.
* pasar lista = take + roll ; take + a roll call.
* pasar llevando = take through.
* pasarlo a lo grande = have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; live it up.
* pasarlo bien = have + fun ; be merry.
* pasarlo bomba = be a great time.
* pasarlo canutas intentando Hacer Algo = have + a heck of a time + trying.
* pasarlo difícil = find + times hard ; have + a hard time.
* pasarlo en grande = have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; live it up.
* pasar lo indecible = have + a torrid time.
* pasarlo mal = have + a thin time ; have + a difficult time ; experience + difficult times ; pass through + difficult times ; face + difficult times ; have + a bad time.
* pasarlo muy bien = have + great fun ; have + good fun.
* pasarlo muy difícil = have + a tough time ; have + a rough time.
* pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time ; have + a hard time ; have + a rough time.
* pasar los días = spend + Posesivo + days.
* pasar mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way through.
* pasar miseria = the wolves + be + at the door.
* pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
* pasar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
* pasar penurias = suffer from + deprivation.
* pasar poco a poco = slide into.
* pasar por = cross ; pass through ; reach down ; step through ; go by ; go through ; pass for ; pass across ; run + Nombre + through + Nombre ; make + Posesivo + way through ; run through ; live through.
* pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass] ; gloss over ; miss ; obviate ; overlook ; short-circuit [shortcircuit] ; skip over ; leapfrog ; pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by ; flout ; close + the door on ; skip.
* pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien = go over + Posesivo + head.
* pasar por alto rápidamente = race + past.
* pasar por aquí = come by.
* pasar por delante de = make + Posesivo + way past ; walk + past ; come + past.
* pasar por el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.
* pasar por el aro = give in ; cave in (to) ; knuckle under (to).
* pasar por el infierno = be to hell and back.
* pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past ; come + past.
* pasar por encima = pass over ; step over ; roll over.
* pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.
* pasar por la cabeza = come to + Posesivo + mind ; come into + Posesivo + mind ; cross + Posesivo + mind.
* pasar por la imaginación = come to + Posesivo + mind ; come into + Posesivo + mind ; cross + Posesivo + mind.
* pasar por la mitad de = cut through.
* pasar por momentos difíciles = have + a hard time.
* pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
* pasar por una buena racha = go through + a good patch.
* pasar por una mala racha = go through + a bad patch.
* pasar (por) un auténtico calvario = go through + (sheer) hell ; go through + a (real) ordeal.
* pasar (por) un auténtico infierno = go through + (sheer) hell ; go through + a (real) ordeal.
* pasar por un buen momento = go through + a good patch.
* pasar por un mal momento = go through + a bad patch.
* pasar por un período de = go through + a period of.
* pasar por un proceso de = go through + a process of.
* pasar (por) un verdadero calvario = go through + (sheer) hell ; go through + a (real) ordeal.
* pasar (por) un verdadero infierno = go through + (sheer) hell ; go through + a (real) ordeal.
* pasar privaciones = suffer from + deprivation.
* pasar rápidamente = run through ; sweep by ; sweep ; flash across ; zap through ; tear through.
* pasar rápidamente a = snap to.
* pasar rápidamente arrasando = tear through.
* pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across ; swing over.
* pasar registros a disco = transfer + records + to disc.
* pasar revista = review.
* pasarse = come by ; drop in ; overshoot ; step over + the edge ; go + overboard ; go + too far ; go over + the top ; overdo ; go + way too far ; step over + the line ; overstep + the mark ; pop by ; pop in ; nip in ; cross over + the line ; be way out of line.
* pasarse al (campo) enemigo = go over to + the enemy camp.
* pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
* pasarse Algo por el forro = flout.
* pasarse Algo por la entrepierna = not give a shit.
* pasarse con = act + fresh with.
* pasar sed = go + thirsty.
* pasarse de = overstep.
* pasarse de + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
* pasarse de la raya = cross + the line ; go + overboard ; go far too far ; go over + the top ; go + way too far ; step over + the edge ; step over + the line ; overstep + the mark ; cross over + the line ; cross over + the line.
* pasarse de listo = be (far) too smart for + Posesivo + own good ; be (far) too clever for + Posesivo + own good.
* pasarse del límite = overrun [over-run].
* pasarse de rosca = go over + the top ; go + overboard.
* pasarse de todas todas = miss (it) it by + a mile.
* pasársele a Uno Algo = come (a)round.
* pasárselo a lo grande = have + a ball ; have + a whale of a time ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo bárbaro = have + a blast ; have + a whale of a time ; have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; live it up ; have + a field day.
* pasárselo bien = have + a good time ; be a great time ; have + a great time.
* pasárselo bomba = have + a whale of a time ; have + a ball ; have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; live it up ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo cañón = have + a whale of a time ; have + a great time ; have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; have + a ball ; live it up ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo como nunca = have + a ball ; have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; live it up ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo de lo lindo = have + a ball ; have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; live it up ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo en grande = have + a ball ; have + a whale of a time ; enjoy + every minute of ; love + every minute of it ; kick + Posesivo + heels up ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time ; have + a great time ; have + a whale of a time.
* pasárselo genial = have + a whale of a time.
* pasárselo la mar de bien = have + a whale of a time ; have + a great time.
* pasárselo pipa = have + a whale of a time ; have + a great time ; have + the time of + Posesivo + life ; have + a ball ; live it up ; have + a field day ; have + a blast.
* pasárselo pipa juntos = have + the craziest time together.
* pasarse por = drop by ; stop by ; mosey ; go for/on + a recce.
* pasarse por casa = drop in ; pop by ; pop in ; nip in ; come (a)round.
* pasarse veinte pueblos = go far too far ; go + overboard ; go over + the top ; go + wa

Babylon Czech-Englishהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
v. pasture, graze, watch over livestock while they are grazing; pimp

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