מילון אונליין

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Metalas – מילון אנגלי-עברי

Spanish - Hebrewהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
לשים; להניח; להכניס; להטיל; לסמן { put }
להניח; לשכן; למנות; להפקיד { place }
להכניס, להחדיר; לשבץ; להוסיף; (במחשבים)... { insert }
לדחוף, להדוף; לתחוב; לדחוק { shove }
להכניס לראשונה, להנהיג, להציג; לפתוח,... { introduce }
לצרף למכתב; לסגור על { enclose }
להפריע; להתפרץ, לפרוץ; להידחק; לחדור;... { intrude }
לערב; לסבך; להצריך, לדרוש; להיות כרוך... { involve }
להתעסק ב-; להעסיק, לשכור; למשוך (מישהו... { engage }
לקבץ, לאסוף; להתאסף; ללקט; להבין, להסיק { gather }
לתת, לחלק; לספק; להנחית; לטפל; לסחור { deal }
לתת; למסור, להעביר; להתכופף, להיכנע,... { give }
להתערב; להמר { wager }
בין { bet. (between) }
"בלק אנטרטיינמנט טלוויז'ין", ערוץ... { BET (Black Entertainment Television) }
להתערב; להמר { bet }
להמר { gamble }
להשקיע; להוציא כסף או לעשות מאמצים... { invest }
לגרום, להביא לידי { cause }
לחולל, להביא לידי-, לגרום { bring about }
חולל, הביא לידי- { brought about }
להשיג, לזכות ב-; לזכות בנקודות; לרשום... { score }

Metalas – מילון אנגלי-אנגלי

Babylon Spanish-Englishהורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
v. put, place; insert; shove; introduce; enclose; intrude; involve; engage; yank off; gather; deal, give; wager, bet; gamble; invest; cause, make happen, bring about; score, earn a point (in a game, etc.)

A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4הורד מילון בבילון 9 למחשב שלך
(v.) = pack up ; embroil ; sandwich ; dip ; shove ; bung + Nombe + in ; put in ; take in.
Nota: Usado principalmente para la ropa.
Ex: Unless the distance was short, the books travelled in sheets, unbound, packed up in chests or barrels.
Ex: By the time the weeding was finished in Nov 86, the Society had become embroiled in a major controversy over the handling of this project.
Ex: The paper that is to be examined is simply sandwiched between a sheet of Perspex impregnated with carbon-14 and an unexposed photographic film, and left in the dark for a few hours.
Ex: Two sheets were made each time the two-sheet mould was dipped by the maker into the vat, and they were turned out together on to a single felt by the coucher.
Ex: Meanwhile the journeymen, who had just gone to bed, hearing the row quickly got up again, came downstairs and then shoved me out of the door.
Ex: Instead of bunging it in the washing machine, clean it carefully by hand using lukewarm water.
Ex: For those of you who are not familiar with OCLC and the way we work the data base is not a vast receptacle into which we throw any kind of record that anybody wants to put in.
Ex: Don't worry about it being too loose around your waist, have a someone take the shirt in where it is too baggy.
* a todo meter = full steam ahead ; at full stretch ; at full speed ; at full blast ; at top speed ; at full throttle ; full speed ahead.
* avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
* ¡En qué lío cada vez más complicado nos metemos al mentir! = O what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!.
* meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw + Nombre + in at the deep end.
* meter a Alguien en la cárcel = put + Nombre + behind bars.
* meter a la fuerza = ram + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat ; force + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat.
* meter a la fuerza de un modo desordenado = stuff.
* meter a presión = wedge.
* meter baza = butt in ; get + Posesivo + oar in ; stick + Posesivo + oar in ; shove + Posesivo + oar in ; put + Posesivo + oar in.
* meter bulla = make + a racket ; hurry up ; rush ; rattle + Posesivo + dags ; get + a wiggle on ; make + a row ; make + a ruckus ; kick up + a row ; get + a move on ; hit + the roof ; kick up + a storm ; hit + the ceiling ; go through + the roof ; go through + the ceiling ; raise + the roof.
* meter cisco = make + trouble.
* meter con dificultad = squeeze in/into.
* meter con un calzador = shoehorn.
* meter de ancho = take in.
* meter de largo = take up.
* meter el dobladillo = hem.
* meter el estómago = hold + Posesivo + stomach in.
* meter el lobo en el redil = set + the cat among the pigeons ; put + the cat among the pigeons ; stir up + a hornet's nest ; raise + Cain ; raise + hell.
* meter en = cram into ; tuck into.
* meter en bolsas = bag.
* meter en ceja y ceja = get it into + Posesivo + head.
* meter en chirona = jail [gaol, -UK] ; gaol [jail, -USA].
* meter en la cabeza = get it into + Posesivo + head.
* meter en la carcel = imprison ; jail [gaol, -UK] ; send up ; send up + the river ; send away ; gaol [jail, -USA] ; throw + Alguien + in jail.
* meter en la mollera = get it into + Posesivo + head.
* meter en prisión = throw + Alguien + in jail.
* meter en razón = speak + sense into ; talk + sense into.
* meter en una bolsa = pouch.
* meter en una jaula = cage.
* meter en un cubo = bucket.
* meterla = dip + Posesivo + wick.
* meterla en caliente = dip + Posesivo + wick.
* meter la nariz en = snoop about/(a)round/into/in.
* meter la pata = bark up + the wrong tree ; be caught out ; put + Posesivo + foot in it ; put + Posesivo + foot in + Posesivo + mouth ; shoot + Reflexivo + in the foot ; stick + Posesivo + foot in it ; screw up ; make + a bloomer ; slip up ; make + a blunder ; drop + a clanger ; drop + a bollock ; blunder ; muck up ; goof up ; fuck up ; eff up ; flub ; blow it (all sky high).
* meter las manos en todos = have + a finger in every pie.
* meter las narices = butt in ; get + Posesivo + oar in ; stick + Posesivo + oar in ; shove + Posesivo + oar in ; put + Posesivo + oar in.
* meter las narices en = snoop about/(a)round/into/in ; poke about/(a)round/into/in ; nose about/(a)round/into/in ; pry (into) ; poke + Posesivo + nose in/into.
* meterle caña a = get + stuck into.
* meterle mano a = get + stuck into.
* meterle un palo en la rueda = put + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheel.
* meterle un paquete a Alguien = throw + the book at.
* meterle un puro a Alguien = throw + the book at.
* meter mano = grope.
* meter miedo = frighten ; scare.
* meter por las narices = ram + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat ; force + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat.
* meter presionando = snap into.
* meter preso = imprison ; send away.
* meter prisa = hustle ; chivvy [chivy].
* meterse = meddle (in/with) ; lodge ; get + Posesivo + feet wet ; get in.
* meterse a Alguien en el bolsillo = have + Nombre + eating out of + Posesivo + hand.
* meterse + Algo = slip + Nombre + on.
* meterse con = needle ; pick on ; tease ; twit ; taunt ; jeer ; lam ; have + a go at ; roast ; give + Nombre + a good roasting ; rag ; rib ; pull + Posesivo + leg ; razz ; push + (all of) + Posesivo + buttons ; take + a shot at ; take + a dig at.
* meterse con alguien de + Posesivo + edad = pick on + someone/somebody + Posesivo + own age.
* meterse con alguien de + Posesivo + tamaño = pick on + someone/somebody + Posesivo + own size.
* meterse de lleno en = get + Posesivo + teeth into ; throw + Reflexivo + into.
* meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end ; jump in at + the deep end.
* meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = plunge in at + the deep end.
* meterse el dedo en la nariz = pick + Posesivo + nose.
* meterse el uno con el otro = tease + each other.
* meterse en = get into ; step into.
* meterse en apuros = get into + a fix ; get into + a mess ; get into + a predicament ; get into + difficulties ; get in(to) + trouble ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en belenes = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en camisa de once varas = open (up) + a can of worms ; get into + a mess ; get into + a jam ; get into + a fix ; get into + a pickle ; bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en camisas de once varas = get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess.
* meterse en el juego = get in + the game.
* meterse en follones = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
* meterse en la vida de Alguien = intrude on + Posesivo + privacy.
* meterse en líos = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en los asuntos de = have + a leg in the camp of.
* meterse en + Número + cosas a la vez = have + a foot in + Número + camps.
* meterse en problemas = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
* meterse en un aprieto = get into + a predicament ; get into + a fix ; get into + a mess ; get into + difficulties ; get in(to) + trouble ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en un apuro = get into + a predicament.
* meterse en una situación embarazosa = place + Reflexivo + in an awkward situation.
* meterse en una situación embarazosa = put + Reflexivo + into + position.
* meterse en un barullo = get into + a muddle.
* meterse en un berenjenal = get into + a predicament ; open (up) + a can of worms ; get into + a mess ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; be up a gumtree.
* meterse en un embrollo = open (up) + a can of worms ; get into + a muddle.
* meterse en un lío = be in trouble ; get into + a predicament ; get into + a muddle ; be up a gumtree.
* meterse la camisa = tuck in + Posesivo + shirt.
* meterse la mano en el bolsillo = dig (deep) into + Posesivo + pocket.
* meterse mano = snog ; pet ; make out ; neck.
* meter una pifia = drop + a bollock ; drop + a clanger ; make + a blunder ; make + a bloomer ; blunder.
* meter una pifica = flub.
* meter un litro en un recipiente de medio = squeeze a quart into a pint pot.
* meter un pifiaso = drop + a bollock ; drop + a clanger ; make + a blunder ; make + a bloomer ; blunder ; flub.
* no meterse donde a Uno no lo llaman = mind + Posesivo + own business ; mind + Posesivo + own business.
* no poder meter baza = not get a word in edgeways ; not get a word in edgewise ; not get a word in.
* no saber dónde meterse de vergüenza = squirm with + embarrassment.
* salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor = out of the frying pan and into the fire.
* salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor = out of the fire and into the frying pan.
* sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.

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