General Information: Chemical Formula:Cu
Composition:(Molecular Weight = 63.55 gm)
Copper 100.0 %
Cu Empirical Formula: Cu
Environment:Cap rock of copper sulfide veins and in some types of volcanic rocks.
Locality:Northern Michigan, USA, Cyprus island, Greece.
Name Origin:From the Greek, Kyprios, the name of the island of Cyprus, once producing this metal.
Physical Properties: Cleavage:None
Color:brown, copper red, light pink, or red.
Density:8.94 - 8.95, Average = 8.94
Habits:Nodular - Tuberose forms having irregular protuberances over the surface., Arborescent - "Tree like" growths of branched systems (e.g. silver).,
Hardness:2.5-3 - Finger Nail-Calcite
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